Prank me not poncho
Prank me not poncho

prank me not poncho prank me not poncho

The old girl had a new trick up her sleeve today, as Clara soon found out to her chagrin. The Doctor didn’t believe-or at least claimed he didn’t- that the TARDIS was anything less than perfectly happy to have her aboard, and Clara had a nagging suspicion he secretly found the ship’s antics amusing. Sometimes the box refused to let her in until she made an elaborate plea to enter (the Doctor, rather too conveniently in her opinion, “couldn’t hear her knocking” whenever this happened). More times than she could count, she had been thrown off balance by the TARDIS suddenly lurching to the side. Nevertheless, it was still a hassle to deal with. She was fairly sure that it didn’t actually want to hurt her if anything, the time machine seemed more like a practical joker than a malignant force. However, if there was one thing that Clara was absolutely certain of, it was this: the TARDIS had it out for her. Most pressingly, she sometimes still had a problem remembering the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon (and suspected that this was a factor in her continuing failed attempts at soufflé making). Little things usually, like the purpose of a tachometer or why Pluto wasn’t a planet anymore. There were quite a few things in life that Clara Oswald still wasn’t sure about.

Prank me not poncho